Established in 1967 於一九六七年創立
The pioneer in manufacturing water heater in Hong Kong
Nature of Business 業務性質
- Manufacturer 生產商
- Wholesaler 批發商
- Retailer 零售商
- Exporter / Importer 出入口商
Products 產品
- Apollo Water Heater 熱水器 (Electric 電 / Gas 氣體/ Diesel 柴油 / Solar 太陽能)
- Apollo Water Cooler / Water Dispenser 飲水機 / Water Boiler 飲水煲
- Apollo Water Filter 濾水器 / Filtration System Equipment 濾水設備 / RO Fitration equipment 逆滲透薄膜過濾設備
- Accessories 配件 : Heating Elements 發熱膽 / Shower Heads 花酒頭 / Water Mixer Taps水龍頭
Manufactured in German, Japan & China 於德國,日本及中國生產
Export to other areas including United States, Europe, China, Asia, Middle East, Russia etc 出口地區包括美國,歐洲,中國,亞洲,中東及俄國等地
Telephone (電話號碼): (852) 2659-9166
Fax Number (傳真號碼): (852) 2662-6319